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Tuesday, December 16, 2014


NCR Trail

Stewartstown Pa first snow fall

It seems impossible that its been since August that I posted. Sometimes life throws you a curve that just takes time to pick yourself up. My sister Celeste passed away very suddenly. She went into the hospital for a tummy ache and 6 days later passed away. She had an infection and didn’t know it. It was quite shocking to have to say good bye to my sister. I miss her like crazy…

I took some time to heal and just be…. I went and visited my sweet daughter Sarah in Pennsylvania we did a lot of hiking on the NCR trail which is beautiful… They had their first snow fall the day before Thanksgiving it was so lovely!!!  Its been many years since I have lived in snow, I forgot how peaceful it is to watch the snow fall…

I have lots of new things starting to happen and I am grateful for the many opportunities that are coming my way!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my you have had alot of loss this year. Big hugs sent your way. Day by day. Sounds like the time spent with Sarah did you some good and helped with the process. Amy
